Dev Blog #8 - Zen and the Art of Video Game Mechanics

Originally written 06/12/2020, some information may be out of date or have changed. Read the original Tweet here.

Hi! Tiffany here. New MV team member and game mechanics geek! How does playing Multiverse actually work? Do you use a d20, a dice pool system? Classes or point buy? Here’s what we think about as we design mechanics for the first verse.

A big priority is creating a rule set that adds on complexity gradually - we want new groups to start playing asap. But we’re building in enough progression options and interesting tactical trade-offs so the game is rewarding for long-term campaigns.

Right now that looks like starting with more narrative mechanics and adding crunch as players learn the system. Right now that looks like starting with more narrative mechanics and adding crunch as players learn the system. Multiverse is an incredibly visual experience - so we want visual dimensions like distance, cover, and even weather to affect game play.

It also means that we’ll use mechanics with clear visual representations (think: health bars) wherever possible so tactics can be understood visually with no rules to read. Multiverse can track lots of complex math for you - so spell effects can have precise game-time durations, items can grow more powerful or brittle with each use, and we can show you post-game stats like biggest damage dealer or most Nat 20’s!

Some mechanics we really admire & are learning from. Aspects in FATE! We want to give colorful character traits and memorable situational details as much mechanical weight as possible. Flashbacks from Blades in the Dark - we’ve been using this in our team games and loving it. Hx from Apocalypse World - there’s tons of things we admire about this system and the modeling of intra-party relationships is one.

We'd love to hear about your favorite game mechanic or system! We're learning from all genres, not just TTRPG's. There are so many brilliant game designers out there and our Verse will be the first of many. Above all I can't wait to see what others do with this platform!

If you're interested in hanging out with other writers, artists, players, and GMs to talk TTRPGs, join the Multiverse Discord! We have weekly challenges, livestreamed games anyone can sign up for, and resources for all types of players.